Friday, December 28, 2012

Elf Central

A few weeks ago, my sister-in-law Molly and I took the boys to Macy's 8th floor holiday display. The theme this year (which I believe was a repeat of last year and maybe even the year before that) was "A Day in the Life of an Elf." 

It had been a while since I took a day off of work to spend with Tyler that didn't involve refilling sippy cups of Pedialyte and disinfecting doorknobs, so I was really looking forward to it. I bundled up the boys, gathered what was likely the entire contents of our house (minus the Garmin) and made the 40 60 minute trip to pick up Molly. We may or may not have missed our turn and taken a 20 minute detour, but all was well as Matty napped and Tyler chatted about how excited he was to see the real life home of Zippy Charlotte.

We made it to Molly's and after a quick diaper change for Matty and a not so quick "re-bundling" for everyone, we were on our way. I would love to say that we strolled into Santa Land twenty short minutes later and learned all there is to know about elf education and candy cane making, but that would be a complete lie. Long story short, we circled a four block radius no less than 12 times, got stuck in an underground parking garage straight out of a horror movie, stopped for directions to the skyway (not even kidding) and had to carry Matty in his stroller up a flight of stairs in order to avoid the one man death trap they called an elevator. 

Nevertheless, we made it.

We watched as Zippy's pointy-eared counterparts baked cookies, wrapped presents, delivered Christmas letters and trained Comet for his upcoming adventure. 

We even made a quick stop to see Santa. Tyler recited his Christmas list while Matty tried with all of his might to get ahold of that beard. Oh, so tempting.  
Tyler dropped a quick note in Santa's mailbox for good measure. You never can be too sure.


It was pure magic minus the snow filled two hour commute back home.


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