Friday, November 23, 2012

Simply Thankful

 Yesterday, and everyday, there is just so much to be thankful for around here...

Mornings spent on the couch with a hot cup of coffee, two sleepy-eyed little guys and a husband who lets me relax while he makes Thanksgiving appetizers. 

Tyler is a given.  But the other one? Never thought I'd be thankful for him. But you know what? I am. That cat has become such a good little buddy to Tyler.

A healthy, happy family {don't be fooled by those expressions, it was NOT the worst day of their lives.}

 This mom/MIL/grandma. She ranks right up there with the best. 

Before being excused from the table to go play I asked Tyler to tell me one thing he is thankful for this year. His response? Uncle Tom. {Matty is a pretty big fan too.}

Grandpa Steve. Nobody can entertain the boys like he can!

 This boy, who like me, just can't understand what all the Black Friday fuss is about. 

 A sister-in-law who treats our kids like her own {she'll even clean up regurgitated turkey dinners. Seriously, she's that awesome.}

Grandma's mashed potatoes.

Parents. Siblings. Friends. Large extended families. Neighbors we actually like. Leggings. Parenthood {yes, as in the TV show and no, I'm not kidding}. Jobs. A roof over our heads. And so, so much more.

1 comment:

  1. Love! I really want that picture of matty & me. This is a great post. We are very fortunate to have you guys so close. Love to you all.
